


Ephemeral art forms such as performance and installation are tied together by a video component that becomes fixed in time only with the help of photographic images - video stills - art prints - displayed throughout this web site.

I believe that it is in the spirit of the artist to let one self vulnerable within the expression of their work. What it means after that is left for their viewers to ponder, discover and depart with. Regardless of the form and content, I seek that my work effects upon my audience in a subversive way similar with what Roland Barthes describes in his book Camera Lucida: photography is subversive not when it frightens, repels, or even stigmatizes, but when it is pensive, when it thinks.

I enjoyed the fact that your art made me think, to feel, to look inward at what my feelings were about the world around me. Your art isn't something to just look at, say it's pretty, and move on. It requires participation. I like that. It is not something I am accustomed to, but something I might like to become accustomed to. (Sunny Mathews, Niagara Falls, New York)
